Category: Lifestyle

  • Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About C. Diff

    Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About C. Diff

    Medically reviewed by Maria Vazquez Roque, M.D. Stomach viruses tend to strike quickly, cause some serious trouble in the digestive system for a few days and then vanish as quickly as they arrived. But C. diff is a different kind of stomach bug. It’s a bacterial infection that’s different in a few key ways. How?…

  • ​C. Diff​ 101

    ​C. Diff​ 101

    Español If you haven’t heard of C. diff before, it’s the common name for a bacterial infection in the colon caused by the bacterium Clostridioides difficile. C. diff bacterial spores are all around in the environment, including healthcare settings, non-healthcare settings and even on the soles of shoes. Unfortunately, that means it can easily be…

  • No HIV for Me: Protect Yourself from HIV with PrEP and PEP

    No HIV for Me: Protect Yourself from HIV with PrEP and PEP

    Medically reviewed by Jeffrey Kwong, DNP, MPH, AGPCNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN + Video transcript Narrator: Think you’re not at risk for HIV? Think again! Anyone who’s having sex without a condom is at risk of getting HIV. And, when it comes to protecting yourself, there are really good options out there. The first one is called…

  • 11 cosas que puedes hacer para reducir el riesgo de contagio de la C. difficile

    11 cosas que puedes hacer para reducir el riesgo de contagio de la C. difficile

    C. difficile es el nombre de una infección frecuente que puede transmitirse fácilmente causada por la bacteria clostridioides difficile. La infección hace que la pared de tu colon (intestino) se inflame, lo cual causa una diarrea grave y acuosa. Si no se trata, puede causar una complicación grave denominada megacolon tóxico. La C. difficile afecta…

  • Diabetes 101

    Diabetes 101

    November is American Diabetes Month. Diabetes? It’s complicated. For starters, there are different types of diabetes. And symptoms can vary from person to person. But people living with diabetes always have one thing in common: high blood sugar levels. That may not sound like a big deal, but without treatment, high blood sugar can lead…

  • 11 Things You Can Do to Reduce the Risk of Spreading C. Diff

    11 Things You Can Do to Reduce the Risk of Spreading C. Diff

    Español C. diff is the name of a common, easily transmittable infection caused by the bacterium Clostridioides difficile. The infection causes your colon (bowel) wall to become inflamed, resulting in severe, watery diarrhea. Left untreated, it can cause a serious complication called toxic megacolon. C. diff affects about 250,000 people in the United States every…

  • Making the Most of Telehealth for Menopause

    Making the Most of Telehealth for Menopause

    Jodi Miller, 49, was experiencing distressing changes to her skin, weight, moods, sleep schedule and menstrual cycle. But when she talked to her OB-GYN, she didn’t get much help. “I was told that all of what I was experiencing was a part of ‘the change’ and that there was nothing that could be done,” Miller…

  • A Conversation with Makeba L. Williams, M.D., About Health Equity and Menopause

    A Conversation with Makeba L. Williams, M.D., About Health Equity and Menopause

    Menopause is a near-universal experience for women in midlife. And most women will experience some physical, mental and emotional changes in the years leading up to, and following, the end of their menstrual cycles. While vasomotor symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes are common for most women, how long they last and how…

  • Selección de la cobertura de tu seguro médico si vives con obesidad

    Selección de la cobertura de tu seguro médico si vives con obesidad

    + text Slide 1 ¿Vives con obesidad? Resumen de consejos para investigar la cobertura de seguros médicos para la atención de la obesidad Slide 2 La obesidad es una enfermedad que afecta a 4 de cada 10 adultos estadounidenses. Programas de medicamentos, cirugías, dietas y ejercicio, así como trabajar con profesionales de la salud mental…

  • Choosing Health Insurance Coverage If You’re Living with Obesity

    Choosing Health Insurance Coverage If You’re Living with Obesity

    Español + PDF text SLIDE 1 Living with Obesity? Quick tips for how to navigate health insurance coverage for obesity care SLIDE 2 Obesity is a disease that affects 4 out of 10 American adults. Medication, surgery, diet and exercise programs, and working with mental health professionals can help people lose weight but can be…